Jesuit Social Services
Working Cross-Culturally

A family's cultural and linguistic background is a valuable aspect of its identity, and cultural sensitivity and understanding are paramount when working with young people and their families.

Impact of Migration

It is important for workers dealing with young people from CLD backgrounds to develop an understanding of the impact of migration on family members and how this may be influencing family dynamics and adolescent behaviour.
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Engaging with CLD Families

In order to engage CLD families effectively, workers need to listen carefully to family stories; approach the family with sensitivity and respect; and focus on enhancing strengths. In many non-western cultures, parents turn to extended family members, elders and religious leaders for advice when they are having problems. So your professional intervention may be challenging for them.
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Developing Cultural Competency

In order to work effectively with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) young people and their families, workers should develop their knowledge and understanding of different cultures and diversity within cultures and examine how their own values impact on their work.
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Refugees - Trauma, Grief and Loss

Refugee young people come from countries where they have witnessed conflict, persecution and violence and may themselves have been subjected to torture and trauma. These experiences have deep and long-lasting effects on a young person's self esteem and confidence as well as their sense of hope and control over their lives.
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A Simple Guide to Eco-Maps

Consider using eco-maps in your work with CLD young people and their families. They are a useful visual tool to assist you in assessing family, social and community relationships and the quality of these connections. Eco-maps can help you to identify: relationships that need to be further strengthened; areas of isolation or disconnection; and areas of service duplication.
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"Sometimes I feel so responsible for Abdul's problems. He had to grow up quickly when his dad left."
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